Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I have been working at Starbucks for 3 months now. I gotta say it's a pretty good job, at least at my store. No drive-thru so it isn't so chaotic. I like my manager and my shift supervisors and co-workers. How often will that happen?

Taking a trip to Cache creek with them in about a week. Should be good times, unless I lose all my money haha.

Anyway work is work and for a part time job it is a pretty cool one to have. Can't complain too much during times like this with the job market down and what not.

It will be sad to see Josh and Danny leave but it's cool I have gotten to know them, hopefully this is just a "goodbye for now" moment.

Gotta get back to packing for possible camping on Friday. I will try to update this after that trip but this is all I have for you for now.

By the way: Do any of you who have been to Cache Creek have any tips or pointers or heads up kinda info; please, do share! Crazy stories, warnings, and criticisms are welcome as well. =P

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