Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Monday, July 18, 2011

Cache Creek was Cool! Beastie Boys new Album

Went to Cache Creek with Josh, David, Mike and Danny. Had a good time with some drinks and as a unit I think we lost like $180 all together. I blame the cops that ID'ed us right before walking in, it ruined our flow.

Anyway we listened to everything on the way from MJ to Thrice to techno to hip hop. Hit up the Beastie Boys which made me wanna throw their album up here and this video which is crazy! Had a good time at Cache Creek but I think we all know better now and will not be returning. Enjoy!

Also check out this boombox by TDK. My friend and I checked out the 2 speaker one and it was amazingly loud, but pretty damn heavy, too.